Let me begin by saying this, “ I am blessed! I am deeply grateful”
Twenty-five years ago we officially launched NSEV Healing with a small group of healers and students who committed to spending a year together studying, exploring, and immersing, individually and collectively, into the extraordinary vessels. It was an awesome group and it was a truly extraordinary year that culminated in a week spent together in Rio Caliente, Mexico. In the course of that year, we developed many of the ideas and materials that are still in use today.
In the course of the next two and half decades, NSEV Healing grew into a global community. We gathered in yoga studios, medical schools, acupuncture colleges, ashrams, the ballrooms of grand hotels, and in exotic locations around the world. While we remain a mildly feral and loosely connected organization on the outside our interior worlds and our lives have become deeply connected. We’ve lived life together, experiencing and processing the death of beloved members, supporting each other through illnesses, and celebrating our individual and collective milestones and successes. Through it all, we were supported by each other and with the wisdom of the ancients manifesting in new ways through our community.
We’ve grown much larger and more importantly much closer during the past eighteen months of living and caring for each other and others during a global pandemic. We have continued to come together (albeit online) to share, study, cultivate and celebrate! We have continued to explore our interior worlds and the world in which we live, together!
So how can we best celebrate our 25 years as a community? By doing what we do best: gathering online for a weekend of celebration and inviting all of our colleagues, patients, family, and friends to join us!
Our NSEV Healing community is blessed with extraordinary teachers and healers and 20 of them have generously offered to share their wisdom and healing energy with us at the Summit. We’ll be meditating, cultivating with innovative Qi Gong, Nei Gong, and Lao Gong practices, exploring topics as diverse as The Astrology of the Lunar Phases, The Akashic Records, Polyvagal Theory, and the Holism Reductionism Dance (check out the complete offering below) As we always do, we will close the weekend with a shared, group meditation and healing session with live music from Jared Bistrong!
Our Summit Schedule!