About NSEV Healing & Acupuncture
Founded by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel in 1996, NSEV Healing and Acupuncture is a philosophy of health, and a method of treating and preventing disease, that integrates the mind, body and spirit. It is a holistic, modern adaptation of an ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture healing system that addresses a person’s symptoms AND their essential life affirming functioning. NSEV practitioners work with a broad spectrum of illness (physical and emotional) and alleviate pain and imbalance by harmonizing the extraordinary vessels. To do so they use a variety of techniques including acupuncture (with and without needles), moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, sound healing, herbal elixirs, and a variety of breath and movement exercises. The extraordinary vessels are the primordial fields and pathways that allow optimum wellness and promote healthy relationships with ourselves and with the world.
To contact us please email info@nsevhealing.com
What are the Extraordinary Vessels?
The extraordinary vessels are one of the world’s oldest systems of energetic theory and practice evolving originally in ancient China.
A simple but profound yin yang paradigm, extraordinary vessel theory represents an integrated, holistic worldview where the universe is viewed as constantly giving birth to itself.
The eight extraordinary vessels are the primordial fields at the root of the interplay of yin and yang as manifest in the dance between the descending yang forces of heaven and the ascending Yin forces of earth.
We are all embodied fields. Each of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm. The extraordinary vessels are our microcosmic primordial fields in which we relate to and process the primordial fields of the macrocosmic world.
The extraordinary vessels were used in cultivation practices (shamanism, alchemy, qi gong) long before they appeared as part of acupuncture, where they are the deepest, most primordial pathways.
Today we can engage our “vessels” through cultivation practices that harmonize the breath, movement, and mind, and through stimulating four simple acupuncture points (entryways into the vessels) that profoundly influence vessel activity and all aspects of our human functioning.
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Swallow The Moon Retreat
The Swallow The Moon Retreat was held on April 1-3, 2022 at Chozen Retreat.
NSEV Clinical Training
The Clinical Training is now a blended program, online & in person. Be sure to check back in the coming months for updates about our upcoming NSEV Clinical Training.
NSEV Healing Summit
The Summit was held live October 2nd & 3rd, 2021. We are happy to provide immediate and ongoing access to the recordings of this historic event.
Entering The Vessels: 6 Week Introductory Course - Now Available On Demand
Entering the Vessels utilizes a simple yet profound holistic model to explore all the world’s wisdom and healing traditions through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine.