Healing Explorations & Shared, Group Acupuncture is one of our greatest joys. NSEV acupuncturists are offering these type of events on a smaller scale at an ever increasing rate. It's hard to believe it's been five years since we ALL GATHERED TOGETHER and had an event of this magnitude. The last time we did the the Huffington Post called it, "a surprisingly spiritual experience".
Check out what the Huffington Post had to say!
For all of us in the NSEV Healing community it's a truly remarkable experience to gather together so many healthcare providers and healers from such diverse backgrounds all with the single intention of creating a genuinely fun and fantastic and HEALING EVENT for our beloved South Florida community.
We are once again honored to partner with University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine's iCamp program whose participation makes this event possible.
We are thrilled that ALL PROCEEDS will go to benefit the wonderful work of THE Wu Project
What is a Healing Exploration & Shared, Group Acupuncture
NSEV Healing Explorations combine practices from a variety of the worlds’ wisdom and healing traditions including music, art, movement, meditation, massage and more to provide a compelling & direct experience of acupuncture's extraordinary vessels. The experience is designed from a worldview inspired by a Chinese traditional healing paradigm. Acupuncture’sextraordinary vessels represent and engage the primordial fields that shape our external and internal realities and provide the core functions mandatory to human existence. .
A shared, group acupuncture experience engages the vessels to provide a deep exploration into our individual and collective selves. Each participant receives the identical four acupuncture points to access one of the eight extraordinary vessels. The vessel is then accessed in the individual and in the group as a whole. Our relationship to our selves and the world outside us, how we move through the world & receive the world and our connection to the world are cultivated when we engage the extraordinary vessels