Pranathi Reddy (Certified NSEV Practitioner)
Growing up in a traditional South Indian household, Pranathi Reddy was exposed to the ancient Vedic practices of meditation, mantra and yoga since the age of 5. She started following her mother’s lineage when she was 16 and was initiated into the Sri Vidya teaching through her first teacher, Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati of Devipuram, India.
After graduating from UMass, Amherst with a B.S. in Communication Disorders, she spent 7 years working as a Speech Specialist in New York and Los Angeles, with children on the autistic spectrum, as well as doing early intervention in clinic and school based settings. It was during this time that she was truly able to understand the importance and tremendous effects of combining breath with sound vibration.
More recently Pranathi began her studies of Chinese traditional healing and NSEV mediation and cultivation through courses, retreats and direct apprenticeship with NSEV founder Daniel Atchison-Nevel. Here she is discovering and exploring the common primordial roots of Indian and Chinese traditional cultivation and fusing them with modern Western practices. She is working closely with Daniel refining existing NSEV Cultivation practices and developing new, integrative meditation and cultivation techniques.
Pranathi has recently joined the NSEV Healing & Acupuncture clinical team where is offering a wide variety of meditation and cultivation techniques for children, adults and families.
NSEV evaluation and assesment of current meditation & cultivation practices.
Meditations from the Yogic Tradition including a wide variety of breathing techniques and methods for emptyingand focusing the mind.
NSEV Cultivation and Meditations including all foundational and prescriptive practices.
Sound healing with tuning forks, gongs, chimes, sound bowls, and sung sound (chant).
NSEV Sand Symbol Meditations for individuals, small groups & large gatherings.
Speech Cultivation specializing various aspects of clarity in communication from articulation to expressive/receptive language.