
Dr. Little Jessie James Robinson graduated from the University of Florida in 1978. His studies were in Poultry Management Animal Science with a pre-Veterinarian Major.  This lead him to Maryland after graduation, which he soon discovered was too cold for his liking and returned to Florida and family.

His career in healing began in the mid 80’s with Bodywork training from the Florida Institute of Massage Therapy (1986) which then led him into energy work with Body Talk.  The natural progression took him into Acupuncture and study at Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (1999) becoming a licensed A.P. in the State of Florida. 

Dr. Robinson’s general curious nature took him further into the studies of Naturopathic Medicine (2003), acquiring a Cranial Release Technique Certification (2004), Touch Healing (2007), trinfinity 8 certified practitioner 2008, and a Nutripuncture Certification (2008).  He then became an NSEV Practitioner in 2009.

Dr. Robinson’s specialty is Detoxification Therapy utilizing the most advanced technology available, ie. Light Beam Generator and the ST8 Oxygenated Detoxification Unit, along with the Ionic Foot Bath, ENG3 and other modalities.

Dr. Robinson can be reached at Holistic Family Healthcare in Boca Raton, FL (561)395-9920