Pam & Dan Do Tea

Hello everybody! We are Pamela Dickson, M.D. & Daniel Atchison-Nevel A.P. and we are long time friends and colleagues. Over the years we’ve managed to squeeze in a lot of mini-dialogues, often at the end of classes or clinic days, often while drinking tea. When we were zooming with each other the other day we realized that social distancing was offering us the opportunity to socially connect. So connect we will! We welcome you to join us each day Monday through Friday at 1-ish or so.

Day One: One New Thing Each Day

Day Two: A Thing Called Grief

Day Three: Today It Gets Real

Day Four: A Thing Called Play

Day 5: Riding The Dragon

Day 6: Riding The Anger Dragon

Day 7: Garden & Dragons

Day 8: Cultivation Time

Day 9: Poetic Medicine

Day 10: Feeling Moon-Full

Day 11: Moon-Sense

Day 12: Moon Medicine

Day 12: Just Write! Not Wrong!

Day 14: Curious Happenings

Day 15: Being Messy On Trains Moving Backwards

Day 16: Making Sense of Misty Rainy Season

Day 17: Don’t Know What To Call This

Day 18: Let Us Pause

Day 19: Jung Sheep & 2 Poems

Day 20: I Ate Old Moon For Breakfast

Day 21: One Clear Thought

Day 22: New Moon Dew

Day 23: Why I Sit & Waking

Day 24: Holy Is The Pause

Day 25: Our Fields Of Wildflowers