Mary Bardis (Senior NSEV Acupuncturist)

Mary Bardis, Licensed Acupuncturist, is a graduate of The Community School of Traditional Chinese Healthcare (Hollywood, FL), where she studied Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbs.  She is certified in Nonsomatic Extraordinary Vessel Healing (NSEV Healing).  She has been in private practice and using NSEV Healing as a primary aspect of her practice since 1998.  Mary studied with Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel AP while at the Community School and was first introduced to and studied NSEV Healing in 1994.  She has participated in several NSEV Healing workshops as well as a year-long NSEV Healing certification course.   Mary is also certified in homotoxicology, which is the use of homeopathic formulas to assist the body in ridding itself of toxins in an appropriate and natural way.

Mary began her career in health care in 1976 as a registered nurse and practiced nursing in the hospital and home care setting until 1998.  This enables her to understand health and wellness from eastern and western perspectives. She has also been trained in massage therapy and certified in Shiatsu at Educating Hands School of Massage (Miami, FL).

Mary is the creator of eight Extraordinary Vessel essential oil formulas, which she uses to make bath salts, bath, body and massage oil, room sprays and soap.

Mary is a nationally board certified diplomate in acupuncture (NCCAOM).  Her private practice is located at

74 Margaret Street
Plattsburgh, NY, 12901

Ph: 518-229-8559