Leslie McKnightA.P., Dipl. NCCAOM, is a nationally board certified acupuncturist who has been practicing Oriental Medicine and NSEV Healing (Non-Somatic Extraordinary Vessel Healing) for almost twenty years. She enjoys treating a wide range of patients, including children and teens, and has particular specialty in the areas of fertility, menopause, gynecological issues, stress reduction, depression, ADHD, sleep and eating disorders, and pain relief.

Since she received her NSEV Certification in 1997, Leslie has been working with Daniel Atchison-Nevel, A.P. and founder of NSEV Healing, to develop and refine course materials for NSEV Weekend Workshops, and Introductory Seminars, as well as serving as NSEV Clinical Director and Instructor.

Leslie graduated from the Community School of Traditional Chinese Healthcare.  She has studied with Dr. Tan, Kiko Matsumoto, and Misha Cohen.  She is a Certified Practitioner in Hepatitis C.

Leslie McKnight’s clinical practice, Holistic Family Healthcare is located in downtown Boca Raton, Florida.

To reach Leslie or to schedule an appointment:

(561) 395-9920
