
Elizabeth Arias (Senior NSEV Practitioner)

Elizabeth Arias is a Physical Therapist and Massage Therapist licensed in the State of Florida.

She graduated from Florida International University with a BS in Physical Therapy (1998) and a BA in Psychology (1995). In 1987, Elizabeth became a Licensed Massage Therapist .

In 2012 she attended her first weekend NSEV experience and has participated in several NSEV trainings including the Clinical Training and Certification Program four times.  Additionally, in 2013, she studied Acutonics Level 1.  Since that time she has incorporated NSEV and Acutonics into her practice.

Specialties included in her Adult and Geriatric practice utilize the following modalities;  Cranio-sacral in combination with NSEV treatments, Visceral Manipulation,  Acutonics, Muscle Energy, ETPS, and P.T. exercises to facilitate a person’s function and health.

Her Pediatric practice encompasses the use of Cranio-sacral, NSEV treatments, Acutonics, and Quantum Lasers for reflex integration.

Elizabeth can be reached at 561-395-9920 or by email to info@AMTI-mail.com

For more information please visit www.Advanced-Manual-Therapies.com